Hearing other people’s dreams is boring, so instead of writing them out, I’m pulling small phrases from notes I’ve written upon waking up from dreams recently. Little or no context is provided. They seem more interesting that way.

  • Chewing pins out of a Ziploc baggie.
  • A new Vietnamese sandwich called a “baht mi.”
  • There were people named Red, Green, Blue, and Bottom.
  • I wrote a note to my time-traveling self in the past and watched him reply to me in real time on the same paper, like a Google Doc collaboration, before the paper went up in flames.
  • Meeting Gunnar Hansen
  • And I went up to the hologram of Patrick McGoohan.
  • And then they all tried to attack me but I commanded them to start punching themselves in the face.
  • Sadly, we all watched my deceased great aunt as she licked mayonnaise off of the wall.
  • I looked back down at my watch and it read “91:15.” I yelled out to everyone, “Did you know it’s 91 o’clock?!!”