For the last few years, has held a single post at a time. Once a new post went up, I removed the old one, and the new post lived on its own. There was no archive. I even had a robots.txt file that rejected search engines. It was an experiment in web minimalism partially driven by my general frustration with the state of the web and social media. My site was for people who remembered it (or me) and might check in manually to see what was going on. (You can read a more complete history of my site on the about page.)

More recently, as the old web/slow web/small web/personal web/fun web has started to make a bit of a comeback and platforms like Mastodon have been flourishing as a backlash against the social media that’s dominated over the last 15 years, I decided I wanted to re-enter the fray. A bit.

What’s my vision for the site? I want to get back to blogging with slightly more frequent posts. But I’ve also always loved small one-off pages of very specific, focused content that either changes over time (digital garden-style) or acts as an independent microproject. So there may be some of those as well.

While the site does have an archive, it’s not a full archive of my blog dating back to 1998. It’s only posts from the last few years at the moment, though I do plan on adding some selected favorites from the original version of the site.

Things are still pretty minimal around these parts, but that’s fine. Let’s see how it goes.

(And for those that are interested, I settled on as a platform/host for my new site. It hits that mark of simplicity with enough flexibility that I don’t feel constrained.)